The project is proposing a possible overtaking of existing barriers
preventing the alignment, mainstreaming of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs
through the following five creative events:
Italy: event based on dance, music, poetry, visual arts, theatre;
Cyprus: event based on sustainable tourism;
Greece: event based in the places of classical Greek philosophy;
Poland: event aiming to valorizing cultural heritage and landscape;
Spain: event based within the undergoing regeneration activities
of this ex-mining area in southwest of Asturias
Two training and networking events have be used to exlpore how culture can
enable sustainabilityat various levels: the symbolic links between cultural
diversity and biodiversity, consumption patterns, sustainable management
practices. The first event, in Italy, will be used to acquire knowledge in relation
to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and SDGs and potential
alignment of Partners’ strategies and operations.
The second event, in Poland, will be used to acquire skills on how to combine
lifeskills and sustainable development competences also according to specific
thematic focus, within the Culture & Creative Industries. As a result of project
activities, an alignment and mainstreaming handbook will be published, to
convey practical ideas on how integrating the Sustainable Development Goals
within the strategies and operations of Partner organizations as well as on how
to mainstream the SDGs in and through CCIs.
The project also intends to valorize Partners' human resources with upskilling
paths, towards sustainability.

Visit the UN's website on the 2030 Agenda to learn more
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Let’s create an SDGs heritage

Antroposervice Sas, Corso di Sotto 49, 63100 Ascoli PIceno, ITALY,, Tel. 39.0736.250818
Project number: 101100007
On-going project news:
2nd International Creative Event and final partnership meeting,
held in Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 27-28 September 2024
Over the course of the two days, delegations from partner
organisations were engaged in planning the final stages of the
project’s implementation, while also giving life to the creative
event in 3 stages, inspiring and being inspired by the Sustainable
Development Goals. During the first stage of the creative
event, which took place on the afternoon of Friday 27
September, participants had the opportunity to visit ...